Monday, June 27, 2011

I'm not perfect....

I would call it a slight  case of diabetes depression. Last week I got my A1c results back. I thought it might be higher because in the beginning of summer I had a week where I upper 200's for whatever reason. I also hadn't been running because of my surgery. These though are not excuses, I could have taken more initiative and made changes instead of waiting them out. The results of this was a A1c of 7.0, one of my highest ever. I have never rebelled against my diabetes or full on not taken care of it. I have to think on the positive side and remember that I have eliminated a lot of my lows which doesn't balance out that A1c as much but I am still mad. I have gotten back to my normal activity level the last couple of days and have even cut back my basal. Yesterday I ran between 70-80 most of the day but I forgot to dose for dinner and shot up to 330. I get stressed and everyone gets mad that I forgot but these things happen, I am not perfect and I make mistakes. It becomes a problem if I did this every day or if I did it on purpose. I don't and all I can do is try harder.

1 comment:

  1. Ashlee,

    You're an inspiration to me! I know it's disappointing and frustrating sometimes to get results like these when there are so many variables that can throw blood sugars a little out of whack... I just hope you know that you are not a failure and not a disappointment by any measure--you are a huge inspiration, and it's the fact that you don't give up and that you don't let this disease define you that makes a huge difference. Also, in case you feel alone, my A1c hasn't dropped below 7.1 in several years... despite much trying. I know how frustrating it can be; but I also know, from watching you, how you just got to keep moving forward.

    Thanks for being you!

